Common dental emergencies include:
Please contact the practice by phone (we cannot offer walk-in appointments). A member of our reception team will ask you some questions about your condition, and will aim to secure a priority emergency appointment.
We offer same-day appointments and in some instances, we can provide the treatment you need in a single appointment.
The priority of an emergency dentist appointment is to alleviate your pain; this may include temporary dressing, x-rays, antibiotics or a combination.
Your dentist may suggest returning for a full examination and further appointments to provide any necessary treatment.
Our dentists are committed to providing personalised treatment to get you smiling again and to create a mutual rapport based on trust and respect. We want you to feel that you’re in the hands of professionals who genuinely care, and that your oral health and hygiene status is better off when you leave the practice than when you entered.
As well as same-day emergency dentist appointments, we can also offer evening and weekend appointments to suit our patients’ busy schedules.
Back to TreatmentsI am so pleased that I discovered my dentist. The dentist is so caring and sensitive to the patient’s needs. All work is carried out with skill, expertise and a delightful sense of humour. The dentist helped me through a…
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read MOREMy wife attended Ideal between October and December 2013. I can honestly say I am amazed, my wife in the past has only ever managed treatment under General Anaesthetic and couldn't even talk about her treatment without getting upset. She…
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