Mouth cancer is highly treatable when detected early.

At CM Dental Care we take a proactive approach when it comes to mouth cancer by including screening as a part of your routine dental exam. We also help you understand your specific risk factors for the disease and how to identify the warning signs at home.

How can the dentist tell if I have mouth cancer?

Several symptoms may indicate mouth cancer:

  • Loose teeth
  • Red or white spots in your mouth
  • Persistent sores that bleed
  • Mouth, cheek, or ear pain
  • Swelling, lumps or growths anywhere in your mouth or neck
  • Difficulty chewing, speaking or swallowing
  • Persistent hoarseness
  • Change in the fit of dentures or partial dentures

Who is most at risk for mouth cancer?

Mouth cancer most commonly occurs in adult males, age 50-74. If you use tobacco products, drink alcohol to excess regularly, or have a family history of mouth cancer, you may be at a higher risk of getting the disease.

Patients with a history of oral papilloma viral infections are at greater risk of mouth cancer even if they don’t smoke or drink alcohol.

Where does mouth cancer occur?

Mouth cancer occurs on the tongue or the floor of the mouth as well as the upper and lower jaw, gums, cheek lining and lips. One-third of cases occur in the back of the tongue, tonsils and throat.

What can I do to prevent mouth cancer?

Stop using tobacco products and avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Visit your dentist twice a year for a screening, and if you see any warning signs book in for an appointment as a matter of urgency as early detection is key to your prognosis.

For more information regarding this treatment

Contact USOrCall 0114 267 3696
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